pwd = (print working directory) tell me where I am
cd = (change directory)
[cd /etc/httpd/conf.d]
That will move you to the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory. Enter [pwd] to verify it if you want.
ls = (list files in the directory)
+ a = (all files), l = (long format), h = (easy units)
So you could use [ls -a] and it prints out a run on list of the files
[ls - al] prints it out in a clean format
Using [ls - al] file rows will begin with something like -rw-r--r--
rw = (read/write access), r = (read access), x = (executable)
each group of beginning with a - is a permissions set,
First "-rw" is the owner, the owner has read/write permissions
Second "-r-" the group, group has read permissions
Last "-r-" everyone, everyone has read permissions
chmod = (change permission)
Quick permissions guide:
7 = Read + Write + Execute
6 = Read + Write
5 = Read + Execute
4 = Read
3 = Write + Execute
2 = Write
1 = Execute
0 = All access denied
First number is for the owner, second for the group, and third for everyone.
[chmod 755 index.php] will give the owner Read/Write/Execute permission, the group read/execute permissions, and everyone read/execute permissions, on the index.php file
cp = (copy a file)
[cp foo.jpg bar/foo.jpg] this will copy the file foo.jpg into the bar directory
vi = create file if doesn't exist, otherwise edit file if it exist
[vi settings.ini] will open the file settings.ini
press "i" to enable "insert mode" using the arrows to navigate the contents. Make your change and press "Esc" to get out of insert mode.
side link for me to have stored: exceeds MaxRequestLen (16777216) plesk mod_fcgid unable to upload large files